Monday, April 12, 2010

The cup teetered on the plate stack as Peter slunk down the hallway.

Lucenzo's slumbering breaths filled the corridor, intermittently pausing as the hallway creaked under Peter's feet.

Waking the fat man would mean having to endure a wheezy sermon about 'the benificence of the sleeping lord'; something Peter could currently live without.

At the top of the stairs Peter paused, his right hand groping for the grainy texture of the balcony, toes wiggling on the cold bluestone step.

As his hand slipped round the smooth banister, Peter felt the cup slowly begin to slide along the top of the plate.

His hand jerked out, just grasping the cup before it fell to the steps below.

A triumphant grin spread across Peter's face, unbroken even by the snapping of his kneecap as it shattered against the edge of a bluestone step.

Lucenzo was awoken by the tinkling of cutlery, and a sound akin to a watermelon hitting a cold, hard bluestone floor.

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